About Us
Wilson Psychological Associates is a multi-specialty, full service psychology clinic serving the Northeastern Oklahoma and Southeastern Kansas areas. WPA has distinguished itself in the area with a reputation characterized by excellence, care, professionalism, high standards of professional ethics, and excellent client outcomes and satisfaction. For this reason, WPA enjoys strong referral relationships with physicians, educators, pastors, therapists, employers and the community as a trusted ally in mental health.
As practical, caring, solution-focused mental health providers, WPA professionals seek to provide support and practical feedback to help clients answer questions about and resolve current problems, long-standing difficulties. With sensitivity and compassion, they help clients find solutions to a wide range of life challenges and psychological issues in a context of respect, compassion, support, safety, and confidentiality. Providers at WPA provide caring, competent, faith-affirming mental health and relationship care.
Additionally, as a full-service psychology clinic, licensed health service psychologist, Dr. Spence Wilson specializes in psychological assessment of a variety of psychological disorders including ADHD, Autism spectrum disorders, learning disorders, behavioral disorders, personality disorders, and dementia, as well as psychological evaluations for elective surgery.
Wilson Psychological Associates is accredited by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.